A Dream’s End

Got some very sobering news the other day. The farmer who sold us our land, the coot I’ve referred to as “Old Wise All” in my earlier posts, the guy who at one point years ago we would’ve said is getting what he deserves, might be losing it all. His house and property up for auction on the courthouse steps. I can’t imagine. For all our headache and heartache, this guy also enabled our own dream when he sold us land. He, too, took steps to change his own life, bust out of the status-quo and do something different. It appears this might be the end for him. We hope he may have something else lined up, but when all your land and family home is getting auctioned off, it doesn’t appear so.*

I’ve got to write a book. The ups and downs, our own and all the others we’ve run into during this endeavor, have been tremendous. The emotion I feel today thinking about this overwhelms me. I feel hollow, with tears as I write. What is happening to this man could happen to anyone who steps out and tries to do something different. It could happen to us. How in the hell do I know this is all worth it?

*Follow up to the Public Foreclosure Notice: The auction on the courthouse steps never did take place.

  1. those who haven’t tried will realise it when there is no means for dreaming, anymore! what life would that be?


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